Working with dancers feels like a natural path for me, as I was, and still am in many ways, a dancer myself. My journey began in ballet at a young age and expanded into diverse styles such as hip-hop, Tahitian, and heels.

Dance is not just fun and social; it offers a rich tapestry celebrating diverse cultures and music and the indescribable thrill of live performance. More importantly, dance provided me with a second family and a sanctuary during times of turmoil and chaos, offering an escape from an unhappy home, addiction, and violence.

My fascination with fairies has an uncertain origin. Perhaps it started with Disney’s iconic Tinker Bell, the enchanting flight of butterflies, or the magical mythology surrounding these mystical beings.

Inspired by renowned fairy artists like Amy Brown, Richard Dadd, and Kinuko Y. Craft, I aim to create magical art that transports viewers into a mythical realm, allowing them to escape the mundane and stressful aspects of life and immerse themselves in a world of whimsy and wonder.

Combining my two great loves—dance and fairy tales—feels like the perfect match.

Dancing Fairies


Snow White