Fashion & Product Photography For small businesses
Visuals that tell your brand’s story
Let’s be real, standing out in a busy market can be daunting, but having a consistent visual narrative about your product and what your business stands for converts “lookers” into paying customers.
Our photography services can be customized to suit your unique needs. Hero shots for your ecomm site? No problem. Need your products on models that represent your ideal clients? We got you. Want scroll-stopping images for your social media launches and website? Consider it done.
How It Works
Step 1.
Inquire about our services, book a call to receive a customized quote based on your photography needs.
Step 2.
In our confirmation email, you'll receive our shipping address after you have booked the photography session and paid the retainer fee.
Ship your products, making sure they are fully cleaned and securely packaged.
Step 3.
A “received” email will be sent to you with a list of received products, before the session begins.
And any questions we may have to clarify before we start your photo session.
Step 4.
Your photo session will commence, and all professional editing will follow. Editing takes 1-2 weeks to complete.
Step 5.
Once the editing has finished, you will receive a gallery of watermarked photos to choose from.
Step 6.
A final invoice will be sent to you, once it’s paid you will receive all your chosen images in a private gallery, and then shipping arrangements will be made to return your items.